I had a fantastic time this weekend in Washington. I was in Tacoma and Lakewood to be a guest at “Cagequest” and do a seminar. I’m very grateful to Eddie Blackburn, the promoter, for bringing me in. (If you are reading this and would like me to come do a seminar at your school or before your event, contact me at basilisk875(at)yahoo.com and we’ll talk!)
I had my seminar at Evolution MMA – a super nice facility! Thanks for having me. I was nervous, but everybody seemed to really like what I taught. I taught a striking technique combo, a take down (two ways to finish), what to do if sprawled upon (two ways), how to take the back, my style of holding back, two ways to choke. 🙂
Then, we did a bunch of two minute rounds and just rolled. I didn’t get to roll with everybody. :/
Thank you SO much for coming, everybody!
(click to enlarge)
I had an amaaaaaazing time! 😀
We did a funny video. XD
Allen Rygg (striking coach at Northwest Elite gym) was such a good host. Took me out for lunch, drove me everywhere, was my demonstration dummy, kept his eye on me during the events. 🙂
Cherry blossoms on campus were so pretty!!
I felt like I was in Japan again, for a moment.
The Cagequest event was great! I’m planning to write another article on it soon.
I enjoyed going to weigh-ins.
(Allen, me, and Eddie)
I chatted with some fighters, and made friends with the ones I was sitting next to, like Sam, Robert and Kendra. 😉 Everybody was tough, though. The match-ups were really good.
I was ringside at the fights for a while, but it was actually making me nervous, because although I knew I was just a spectator, my body was getting all tense with the fights came close, because I was RIGHT THERE, with my nose almost in the cage. I felt like I should be defending something, when the guys crashed into the cage in front of me.
(Kendra Bukovac vs Christine Weiner.)
So half-way into the event, I just hung out at my T-shirt signing table with the Revolver Clothing guys. 🙂
“C” is for “Cagequest!”
Everyone was so nice. PRIMAL clothing and RARE BREED clothing guys all gave me freebie T-shirts. 😀
The fights were exciting. There were a lot of finishes. A lot of tough up-and-coming fighters. Lots of friends, teammates and fans came to support their guys. It was awesome.
I came back on Sunday with new friends, some cash from the seminar and book sales, and great memories. I want to go back sometime!